2014年11月8日 星期六

Inbox by Gmail 更聰明的 Material Design 風格郵件管理 APP

【軟體名稱】  Inbox by Gmail
【語  言】  繁體中文
【使用權限】  免費 Free
【系統支援】  Android 4.1 以上
【提供者資訊】  Google Inc.
【開發人員網站】  https://inbox.google.com/?pli=1
軟體版本、大小、更新日期】 隨更新變動,請上 Google Play 商店或 iTunes 查看

【APP 開啟主畫面】



「 Inbox by Gmail 」 這個服務是 Google 從 Gmail 推出以來,慢慢從使用者身上得到的一些經驗,經過研究及改善而推出,希望能推出這個智能服務,幫助我們在郵件管理上更注意或注重到一些重要的訊息,而在這個全新的介面上,我們將可以結合時間管理來智能的整理郵件,得到前所未有新的體驗,可惜的是目前只有英文版,而且需要有邀請函,可至下方英文第一行 Email 申請,就讓我們慢慢等待中文版的來臨吧~

Inbox by Gmail requires an invite. Email inbox@google.com to request one.

Your email inbox should help you live and work better, but instead it often buries the important stuff and creates more stress than it relieves. Inbox, built by the Gmail team, keeps things organized and helps you get back to what matters.
  • BUNDLES:Similar messages are bundled together so you can deal with them all at once. And get rid of them with one tap.
  • HIGHLIGHTS:Get the most important information without even opening the message. Check-in for flights, see shipping information for purchases, and view photos from friends right up front.
  • REMINDERS:More than mail, you can add Reminders so your inbox contains all the things you need to get back to.
  • SNOOZE:Snooze emails and Reminders to come back when you are ready to deal with them: next week, when you get home, or whenever you choose.
  • SEARCH:Inbox helps you find exactly what you’re looking for— from your upcoming flight to a friend's address— without having to dig through messages.
  • WORKS WITH GMAIL:Inbox is built by the Gmail team, so all your messages from Gmail are here, along with the reliability and spam protection of Gmail. All of your messages are still in Gmail and always will be.


Android 版下載連結及以上資料來源:Google Play 商店

iOS 版下載連結:iTunes App Store

網頁版瀏覽連結:Inbox by Gmail

輕鬆下載 Play 商店 軟體遊戲 apk 檔

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2018 · 01 · 01
